Friday, January 11, 2008


tu jek...xde la sampai nak rs nak mencintai.takat suke saje(ekcelli hampir nak mencinta gak ek...kompius kejap)
bile jumpe dgn the person,mood tetibe bertukar~....
dr xbesh bleh jd besh wif just seeing the face...
seeing the rambut only,will soothe the feeling...
xmasok lagik,chat wif him can make me can stop smilling...(even mende yg ckp ekcelli xde melibatkan feeling2 ke gatal2...ayat biase jek)
lagik cair bile lihat dia series mengajar playing the `it` for me to understand....
even just 30minit jek!
haishhhhhhhh.....xleh tahan betol....

(hahaha...there will ALWAYS `but` in my life when come to things like this)
ianya hanya crush di dlm hati =)
xpernah dibuat nyer aku tunjuk kat org(to whom i like) yg aku suke akan
act cool...kenkdang xde respon...kenkdang terkuang ajar...kenkdang ignore...
i never take this kind of thing seriesly...
plus...alehhhh....aku jek yg suke,sbb yg pihak satu lagi hanye beramah mesra sesame insan jek...

having a crush on somebody(and shows it only dlm hati) is not a sin....right guys?
asal kan beliau tak tau kire slamat ah...
(klo bareta(rahsie pecah)...skang gak aku balik mesia!maloo wooo nak dok jepon ni dah)

yg pasti...
saye rase sabishi(lonely) arini...

(please guys,dont think ape yg aku tulis ni adelah series,it just something yg nak diluahkan psl tatau nak apdet ape)
aaaa.......sabishi~~~ pi la ko jaoh2!!!!


lunabella said...

hello there!walaupon kite nih berjiran ttp nak komen gak..hehe

those times of "kodoku" will always hunt us,it just how well we can cope with that..just hang in there and it will past just like a wind..till then,enjoy ur every day b4 that kodoku bitch interfere ur life will!

i was in the same state as yours but i sort it out already today...and it makes me feel gewd n never feel better!!

lets face it together mas!! aja aja fighting!! jgn biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteriii ..zassssss!!:P

err_quek said...

hohoho...bia la idop ku diselubungi misteri..kan bleh jd gadis misteri gitu...

maaa...sonna kodoku no kimochi...ia dtg seperti angin,dan ilang pon mcm angin..err...maksod nyer..aleh kejap je..

aku nak han-kyul!!!ekcelli nak tinge die je...fightingggg!!!

Anonymous said...

hohoh.. it's been a while after my last visit to ur blog here... sorry my chingoo.. i resetupped my laptop again, so that i lost all the fave links on my PC.. i thought it's not that hard to find them back.. but then! hmmm well.. wahh.. whatt? che mas jatuh chenta? ahaks... no wonder if u did really. but it must be the damn shockin' news if it happened to me! haha!