Thursday, May 22, 2008

aku seorg resolver?!!

Your answers suggest you are a Resolver

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Spontaneous, Facts, Heads and Introvert

Summary of Resolvers

  • Good at getting to the heart of a problem and quickly finding a solution
  • Make rational decisions using the facts available
  • Think of themselves as understanding, stable and easy-going
  • May focus on short-term results and lose sight of the big picture

More about Resolvers

Resolvers are independent people who quietly learn how things work by analysing large amounts of information. Should a problem arise, they solve it with as little fuss as possible. Resolvers are only interested in abstract ideas, if they can be used to solve a problem quickly.

Resolvers like to take risks: Many of them seek jobs and pastimes that put them in harms way and guarantee an adrenaline rush.

Resolvers are often tolerant of behaviour different to their own as long as their values aren't compromised. They sometimes give the impression that they agree with other peoples' viewpoints because they don't actively disagree.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Resolvers may become cynical, negatively critical or put off decisions. Under extreme stress, Resolvers could be prone to inappropriate, tearful outbursts.

Resolvers are quiet and sometimes it is difficult to get to know them; however, they often talk freely about subjects they understand well.


heh..bagos mende test2 ni..bile buat mende tu,br dpt prasaan sebenarnyer camne diri kite nih kan...ekcelli byk jek aku wat test2 psycology nih...saje suke2...cuma yg link yg bal bg siang td,aku rs 75% terkena batang idong sendiri...

bukan nak kate aku sorg penyelesai masalah yg hebat ke aku rs..patot lah...most of my kenkawan atau org sekeliling aku,derg ni slaloo nyer bile da tatau nak cr sape..bile da masalah tu nak dtg kat aku crite problem derg...dan mase tu la,peranan aku sbgai sorg pembebel-terhebat-abad- ini pon start a time,aku bleh jd terlaloo cynical(ckp lepas,perli best),penkritik yg xreti jage ati org,dan agak keras sket bile org tanye/nak/suh buat keputusan..kire pendesak gak la aku kenkdang(depends la pasal la,there`s always other option awaits kan?)...

aaaa...ape kate korg try mende nih...pastu korg letak la kat blog korg supaye bleh aku membace nyer... link die klik sini !

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


kerana mende alah ni...aku da pissed off dekat 3minggu da(masok minggu nih!)...kerane mende ni gak la...jari telunjok,jari kecik kiri rs pedih(biase la,amatur)...pasal la susah beno nak ikot mende tauge neh nak!!!pasal mende ni asyik xpat jek,die bleh menyebabkan aku jd bengang selame sejam lebih tak pon,kenkadang setgh ari nak lepas ni~~~~?da la skang,ari2 bz aku da nak bermula...repot,zemi,jikken...nak curik mase utk mende tauge ni agak la susah sket.... cam nak gigit2 je kertas ni!da la,si syonin tu ckp,kite prektis mende ni sampai dapat...aaaaaaaaaa~~~ lagik sebolan le nak ngadap mende ni?aaaaaa....bunyik yg kua pon da la slow..sebijik2 lak tu...mmg xsame bunyi cam syonin main...hish!bile nak dpt nih?!!


ekcelli crite diatas adelah utk menerangkan betape xde nyer citer menarik utk aku taip kat blog skang ni..idop aku telaloo biase nak die critekan(hahahaha)...
keep your brain healthy yeh...
(pasal pale otak aku xbetol skang...hahaha)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

phewww~ ponat nyer den these past 2 week...

sunggoh la sebok aku dlm 2 minggu lepas...mane tak nyer,skang ni da mule musim cari kerja bg kitaorg student final year nih...biase la,bile nak cr kerja kene la sebuk sediakan mcm mende utk dikepilkan ngan resume tuh...ekcelli,klo nak ikotkan,kawan2 dak klas aku(japannese) derg da stat mencari kerja sejak awal tahon ni lagik...

so,bagi kitaorg yg pelajar asing ni kat jepon ni,mase 5/5/2008 lepas ade la cam career fair utk kitaorg ni nak mintak keje...ade la byk booth dr syarikat2 yg based die jepon and ade gak sket syarikat based mesia join gak...

biasela,aku kan jenis yg suke membuat keje secare MINIT TERAKHIR...kehkehkeh...lagi 2-3 nak gi tokyo(where the events held)..time tu la aku sebok nak siapkan resume(yg ekcelli xsiap2,sampai la,mlm esok nyer nak gi mintak keje tu..hahaha)...time tu la sebok nak gi mintak sijil2...time tu la sebok nak jumpe sensei nak tanye pasal mende la reseach yg aku akan buat nnt...bile jumpe sensei..kesian beliau...tensen die sekejap pasal mase aku tanye beliau tu,sensei agak kepenatan la sbb br pas wat jikken(experimen)...pastu,aku kene tego sbb wat keje last minit...seb baik nada teguran sensei x cam marah2 tp cam bau2 tegoran seorg bapak la...paling meng-kandou-kan (terharu) diri ku ini..apabila,die sanggop gi copy segale ronbun(tesis) yg berkaitan,pastu siap kasik pinjam buku lagik...siap die tande kan lagik utk aku bace sket2 so,bile interbiu tu nnt bleh la gureng2...dgn harapan,aku akan bace la..sume yg die kasi..tapi...hehehe...aku bw jek buku tu...bace nyer x gak..isk*ketok pale sendri*stat betolak jumaat,bermalam kat chiba...owh,aku ngan bal berpisah spanjang kat la,this is the time kan kite nak jumpe geng2 sendri,aku pon gerak ke chiba gi umah jiha&nurul...owh..ter-kandou lagik...mekaseh kepade geng bal...cik betyk,cik dilla,cik ayie,cik iqbal kerna sudi menghantaraku sampai ke depan pintu umah jiha&nurul...huish...betol2 la terharu nyer...bukan pe,ekcelli aku x expect derg anto sejaoh tu,pasal tpt derg sendri(utsunomiya pon jaoh jugak)...sronok gak..akhir nyer,dpt la jugak aku melihat secare live~ kawan2 si bal,yg slaloo nyer si bal sebot2...
haaaa....dok umah jiha&nurul tu...bile da jumpe geng...mule la mulot aku ni...bercakap la lama xjumpe,gosip2...tunggu si syazana turun dr yamagata....dpt aku jumpe mek tu...trus lagik hingaq la...sambil2 hingaq tu,br la sebok2 nak wat resume...mlm sblom gi mintak fair tu...skali ramai giler serang umah jiha&nurul nih...meriah giler...then,aku ngan syazana gerak ke umah kohai(junio) cik una..aish....dak ni..baik la bebeno...walopon umah die da aku ngan syazana ribotkan...die lepaks jek..kehkehkeh...mekaseh eh cik una....

bile ari nyer tibe,make bergerak la kitaorg ke tpt fair tu..sume ngan mate sembab2 pasal nyer xtido malam!maklom la,bile da ramai2 tu...mcm2 la sembang la,mane yg nak wat resume lagik...bayangkan,kat tgh2 tokyo tu..dekat 20org lebey sume pakai suit itam,bertudong, gerak satu group naik train sume...hahaha,org jepon tgk pon geron...

time,mintak keje lak...aku tatau la..that day..aku ngan bal xbrape semngat sgt..maybe sbb letih kan xcukop tido...mase memule tuh..sempat la aku gi interbiu 2-3 company...bile bawa ke petang..aku da lesu da...ade setgh kawan aku da dpt da keje ,time arini...pastu company yg aku harap la,sbb major aku syarikat tu xbrape nak,so,hampa la aku....
bile balik tu,agaknyer,nampak kut kehampaan aku tu,si syazana dok ajak aku gi sejenis company ni esok nyer...aku xberape minat company ni....bukan pe,company ni bukan bidang aku,sbb aku da di psyco oleh syazana(die ni..adelah sorg2 nyer kawan aku yg paling kuat pengaroh psyco die dlm idop aku...hahaha,slaloo aku yg psyco org)...aku berat ati nak gi ekcelli..satu lagik da janji kan nak join bal ngan the gang kat utsunomiya(which ekcelli cam tanoshimi gak la...maklom la,nak jumpe org baru kan),aku ikot jugak la ckp syaz...mase gi interbiu this company on the next day... aku merupekan antara org last die nak interbiu...xharap pon lepas interbiu ni...aku ekcelli lebey kepade nak teman syaz ngan try luck jek...skali,bile interbiu...laju~~ jek aku gureng2 berckp ngan interviewer tu...pastu,trus cik tu bg offer keje!

alhamdulillah!kurg2 ade la backup...ekcelli,aku nga tunggu 2company lagik nyer keputusan interbiu,bile dpt...banding2 dlu..then aku akan pick la yg mane aku rs terbaik utk aku....stakat ni da bincang la ngan famili which yg derg suke aku,dr mende yg aku bebel ni,nampak la bahwesenyer aku da nesshin(tekad) nak balik mesia after grad nnt...WALOPON,ekcelli aku still nak duk jepon ni lagik...maa...xpe la,pasl sambong study tu,aku akan pk-kan balik bile da balik nnt...maklom je la...aku blom lagik ade matlamat/plan yg bebetol mende ape yg sebenarnyer aku nak wat..ikot ckp ayah aku "balik je la dlu,then kite pk same2"...aishhh...i-lap-u my father!

mende2 mase depan ni...pening ah pale nak pk!
adehhhhh~~note:gambau2 diamek dr cik hanin nyer fotopages,bal nyer cam dan sendrik nyer cam!mekaseh !!!

note2: MAK~~~SLAMAT ARI IBU!!!!